Friendship keep the wheels turning, after 30 years

Original charter members of the Pakenham Inner Wheel Anne Sheean, Loris Begg, Alma Elliott, Marcia Rook and Pam Doherty.

By Alana Mitchelson

INNER Wheel Club of Pakenham celebrated its 30th birthday last month with a special lunch at Jason’s Restaurant overlooking Upper Beaconsfield.
Charter president Pam Doherty lit the Flame of Friendship and the current charter members, along with Alma Elliott, Loris Begg, Marcia Rook and Anne Sheen, presented a list of past presidents, their achievements and a short history of the club.
Inner Wheel’s Pauline Morris said the anniversary celebration was well attended on Sunday 9 October with about 50 members present.
“It was a great day of celebration for past and present members of our club and we were able to share many memories from the past 30 years,” she said.
“Ann Boon and Helen Boon, past charter members, were also present to help celebrate the occasion.”
Past district chairman in 1986 Nanette Barr and current district chairman Lynne Davine extinguished the Flame of Friendship at the conclusion of the event.
Inner Wheel Club members from Narre Warren, Berwick, Warragul and Phillip Island also travelled to share the day with their Pakenham friends.