Liberal rejoicing at milestone

The Berwick Women's Section Liberal Party celebrated its 70th birthday.

By Alana Mitchelson

THE Berwick Women’s Section Liberal Party celebrated its 70th birthday last week.
It coincided with Berwick District and Ranges Branch’s 71st anniversary.
The two groups had a joint celebration at Berwick RSL.
Carol Porter said the women enjoyed a lovely dinner.
“Liberal politicians Jason Wood, Brad Battin, Inga Peulich and Norma Wells spoke of the longevity of the branches,” she said.
Attendees included Polly Pawsey, Winsome Anderson, Rosaleen French, Louise Reeve, Margery Henry, Janet Adams, Kay Morland, Carol Porter, Wendy Shiell, Sonya Beaumont, Pauline Hetherton, Jackie Manning, Norma Wells, Martine Viney, Anne-Marie Hermans and Maria Pazitka.