Weekend works on Monash

Suggested alternative routes around the intersection of the Monash and South Giippsland Freeways.

By Victoria Stone-Meadows

Driver can expect another dose of Monash madness this coming weekend with the Western Distributor Authority projecting delays of up to 80 minutes.
The delays will be caused by road works on the freeway bridge over the South Gippsland Highway as extra lanes are added to the structure.
Only one lane will be open in each direction on the freeway with speed limits reduced to 40 km/h.
Suggested alternative routes for traffic in both directions include using Heatherton and Hallam roads as well as the Princes Highway.
The changes to traffic conditions on the Monash and South Gippsland freeways are expected to cause congestion on surrounding roads and drivers are advised to avoid the area.
The works will be taking place between 10pm Friday 2 June and 5am Monday 5 June.