Age-old solution to staying fit

Darryl Lemondine has created brain, body and massage exercise books and DVDs for people over 60 after finding that there was nothing for his age group in the library. 173935_01

By Kyra Gillespie

Eighty-year-old retiree Darryl Lemondine is now a fitness guru and wants the world to know about his secret to good health.
After being active throughout his youth, Mr Lemondine found that as he got older he could find few exercise programs and videos for people over 60 years old.
“All of the exercise videos in the library have beautiful men and women working out on their DVDs with young bodies and six packs,” Mr Lemondine said.
“I couldn’t find any exercise or massage programmes for people over 60 years and, as I fall into that category, I made up my mind that I should make my own exercise videos and workbook.
“I want to inform people over 60 that they now have a resource available just for them.”
Mr Lemondine believes that age is just a number and shouldn’t hinder one’s ability to get active.
“I am an 80-year-old and I felt there was no reason for my light to dim or be extinguished.
“I have created both brain and body exercises, as the brain is part and parcel of physical exercise.
“The exercises help to keep the brain and body constantly working alongside each other, bringing health benefits to both areas.
“They are a radical approach to brain and body fitness.”
Mr Lemondine uses positive affirmations as one of the pillars of his mind and body regime.
“As we get older healing does take a long time, and a change in our thinking will take a longer time but we need to persevere.”
Anyone who wants to find out about staying fit later in life can contact Mr Lemondine on 0469 769 912 or via email on