Boost for biodiversity

By Wendy Williamson

 The Friends of Harbury Reserve Group are doing their bit towards protecting the future of Victoria’s biodiversity.
The Friends will receive a share of the Victorian Government’s $4.7 million funding for regional biodiversity projects.
They will receive $19,970 through the government’s Regional Landscapes and Targeted Action initiative.
The money will go towards capacity-building workshops for community network volunteers caring for Trust for Nature reserves.
Harbury Reserve is a 21.5 hectare property near Gembrook which Trust for Nature received as a donation in 1977.
The property is steeply sloping, with dry forest on the slopes and lush fern gullies. Three permanent creeks flow through the property and provide an important sanctuary for species in an area which has been radically altered by subdivision and urbanisation.
The funding for regional biodiversity projects builds on the recently announced Community & Volunteer Action, and 2018 Crowdfunding Grants. These grants are part of the $86.3 million funding to implement Protecting Victoria’s Environment – Biodiversity 2037 over four years.
Since the release of Biodiversity 2037, the government has announced a range of initiatives that support on-ground action, along with the Biodiversity 2037 Implementation Framework, which contains 89 actions that will make biodiversity protection in Victoria more efficient and effective.
These 89 actions will support the significant investment in on-ground action from the government, in collaboration with community, Traditional Owners, environmental organisations, agencies, business and industry.
Member for Eastern Victoria Region Daniel Mulino congratulated the Friends of Harbury Reserve.
He said, “This collaborative approach to biodiversity management is giving community groups the skills, knowledge and manpower to undertake this important work.
“Local groups in Cardinia are best placed to deliver these projects to improve biodiversity in our community.”
For more information about the Biodiversity On-ground Action program or to apply for a grant, visit: