Giant pumpkin competition

Junior Ambassador of the 2022 Parklea Pakenham Show Sheridan Venables (left) with Senior Ambassador Indi Skehan. 271091_03

Do you have a giant pumpkin growing in your garden? Or perhaps another large vegetable?

The Pakenham Show will play host to the Australian Giant Pumpkin and Vegetable Competition by Atlantic Seeds this weekend.

It is free to enter but all entries of pumpkins and other giant vegetables need to be delivered to PB Ronald Reserve – outside the library entrance – on the morning of Saturday 18 March between 7am and 10am.

The Australian Giant Pumpkin and Vegetable Society rules govern the entry of a vegetable specimen for competition or showing.

They are as follows:

1. The specimen entry was grown by the entrant/grower/competitor in Australasian region.

2. Pumpkin class – is any fruit of any colour of the Cucurbita family weighed in 0.1kg increments for pumpkins over 100kg or 0.01kg increments for pumpkins under 100kg.

3. Other class – is any fruit, vegetable or plant of competitive merit and is properly weighed in 0.001kg increments and/or measured in either a straight line from end to end or side to side or the its largest transverse circumference in increments of 0.001 metres (1mm), whichever applies.

4. The specimen entry was sound in structure, healthy and undamaged and free of any foreign materials.

5. No entrant/grower/competitor or spectator has influenced the measurer/judge or impeded the proceedings of fair competition.

Any enquiries to Paul Latham on 0418 381 407.