Pakenham Gift ready to race

Last year''s event was described as a huge success. Pictures: SUPPLIED

By Mitchell Clarke

Over 100 participants are gearing up to race in Pakenham’s answer to the Stawell Gift.

The Pakenham Gift, which is loosely based on the Stawell Gift, is an annual handicapped event run by the Pakenham Little Athletics which will this year be held on Saturday 22 February.

President Justin Piccolo said the event, now in its third year, had been extremely popular event amongst participants.

“Events in previous years have been a great success and everyone really just enjoys themselves,” Mr Piccolo said.

“The kids love it, their parents love it and we love holding it.”

Athletes in the Under 6 and Under 9 categories will race in a 100 metre and 200 metre sprint while Under 10’s and Under 16’s can race in 100 metre and 400 metre events.

Medals will be presented to the first three individual place getters in each age group for the 100m, 200m and the 400m.

Winners from each age group in the 100m finals will then progress to the main event at the end of the day, where a sash and trophy will be awarded.

Currently, more than 50 children have registered to race, with entries closing on Sunday 16 February.

The free event is open to the public but only members of the Pakenham Little Athletics are eligible to physically compete, but that rule could soon change.

“So far this has been a thriving success and now we’re beginning to look at opening the event externally and offering other centres around the area to get involved,” Mr Piccolo said.

The Pakenham Gift will be held on Saturday 22 February from 9.30am till 12pm at Toomuc Reserve.