New plans for Emerald Lake

Emerald Lake Park. Photo: Tracy Dasler.

By Jessica Anstice

A new strategic plan for Emerald Lake has been endorsed by Cardinia Shire Council.

The Emerald Lake Precinct Strategic Plan 2020-30 will replace the Emerald Lake Park Strategic Plan 2013-18.

It provides the strategic direction for the precinct which will guide activities, maintenance, promotion and improvements for Emerald Lake Park and Nobelius Heritage Park.

The council undertook a large scale and in-depth community engagement process through 2018 and 2019.

The ideas and feedback obtained from the Hills’ residents, local businesses, friends and community groups, visitors to the precinct and the council, informed the development of the strategic plan.

Among community feedback obtained, there was a clear interest in the development of the masterplan and the promotions and marketing plan for the precinct to guide future capital works and encourage tourism to the area.

Emerald Lake Park and Nobelius Heritage Park attract more than half a million people per year and are considered to be two of the Cardinia shire’s premier parks and tourism attractions.

Cardinia Shire Mayor Jeff Springfield thanked the community for becoming involved in the consultation process.

“Thank you to everyone who provided their ideas and responses throughout the community consultation,” he said.

“Your input has directly shaped the development of the strategic plan for the Emerald Lake Precinct, which now represents a shared community vision for the future of this significant space.”

Cardinia Shire Council will now continue its work to progress the development of the masterplan.

Emerald Lake Park encompasses an area of about 52 hectares and features Lake Treganowan and Lake Nobelius, as well as formal gardens, arboretums, and natural bushland.

It offers around 10 kilometres of walking trails, which link to Nobelius Heritage Park, a heritage site of state cultural significance, and the Emerald township.

It also has family friendly activities including paddleboats, fishing, picnic tables and barbecues, a wading pool open during summer, two playgrounds, a model railway, amphitheatres and shelters that can be booked by the community.

For more information and to read the final Emerald Lake Precinct Strategic Plan 2020–30, visit Council’s website at