A cuppa in support of our seniors

Mayor Jeff Springfield stirs a cuppa for our seniors. Picture: CARDINIA SHIRE COUNCIL

By Mitchell Clarke

A Cardinia Shire Council initiative is encouraging people to ‘Snap a selfie’ in support of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD).

The day, which is commemorated annually on 15 June, highlights elder abuse, described as “one of the worst manifestations of ageism and inequality in our society”.

In 2011, the United Nations General Assembly designated 15 June as the main day in the year when the world voices its opposition to the abuse and suffering inflicted on older people.

To promote awareness to the cause, Cardinia residents are encouraged to utilise social media snapping a selfie of them ‘stirring a cuppa for seniors’.

The Covid-19 friendly activity, which doesn’t require you to leave your home, is as simple as making a cuppa, taking a selfie with the cuppa and include something purple in the picture, add the hashtag #WEADD or #WEADD2020, and share the post across social media.

“World Elder Abuse Awareness Day aims to raise awareness around elder abuse, improve the confidence and resilience of residents to report and stop elder abuse in our community,” Cardinia Shire Council mayor Jeff Springfield said.

“Council’s Ageing Well Strategy is an important part of Council’s commitment to ensuring our older residents are supported to be healthy and active, stay socially connected and participate fully in the community.”

Elder abuse can take many different forms, according to Relationships Australia; however the most common forms are financial abuse and neglect. Abuse may also be physical, social, psychological or sexual.

Sadly, the harm is usually carried out by someone trusted, whether by a family member or a friend.

Cardinia Shire Council is recognised as an ‘Age Friendly City’ by the World Health Organisation (WHO).

An age-friendly city encourages active ageing by giving people opportunities to enjoy good health, participate in their community and feel secure and safe as they age.

The council’s recently updated Ageing Well Strategy is currently available for community feedback. To have your say, visit www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/haveyoursay before 26 June.

If you are expiring elder abuse, you can contact Seniors Rights Victoria on 1300 368 821, Relationships Australia on 1300 364 277.

If you or someone is in immediate danger, call 000.