Investing in good design


Drake Design is a boutique building design company based in Beaconsfield. With $25,000 Homebuilder grants on offer from the Federal Government to help stimulate the building industry, designer Jake Wilson warns that one size doesn’t necessarily fit all.

Good design shouldn’t feel like a luxury, yet our society seems increasingly accepting of mediocrity when it comes to housing. A home is most often the largest and most important investment a person will ever make, so why conform to the narrow selection of ‘off-the-shelf’ products mass produced by volume builders? With the advent of the $25,000 government Homebuilder grant, Drake Design truly believe the right choice of designer will help every client maximise the value of their project and it all starts now.

Pairing yourself with the right designer is a short term investment for long lasting gains. A good designer has the ability to provide you with a tailor made design experience, driven by great communication, quality expertise and a genuine desire to bring you the home of your dreams. Whilst volume builders clearly serve a need at current, their success as a business relies on turning over clients in bulk quantities. With a boutique custom designer like Drake Design, the number of projects running at any given time is vastly lower so that a client isn’t just another number in the system but a real person with real wants and needs from their future home.

This level of care and individual service ensures that you will get the most out of your home design and, in term, your home – quality planning means a quality result. Only with a custom designer will even the most fundamental architectural considerations relating to your individual site and style of home be made; orientation, solar access, wind paths, rainfall – making your home far cheaper, easier, cleaner and more efficient to run for years to come. And only with a custom designer can you design a home that caters to your specific needs of living rather than a ‘one size fits all’ model. Every Australian deserves a home that speaks to their personal needs both functionally and visually, and the right designer will help to realise a space that is designed to fit and enhance how you want to live.

Taking the time to find the right designer and spending that little bit extra on their services cannot be valued highly enough. There is a level of quality, efficiency and value in a home that can only be achieved during the design and planning process, and the right designer is absolutely critical to this. The end result of a home depends on the designer at the very start, and will truly prove to be your greatest investment when building a new home or renovation.