Action call hits Parliament

Concerned residents Rob Scali and Krystal Clark met with politicians Russell Broadbent and Gary Blackwood to discuss action on Princes Highway upgrades.

By Mitchell Clarke

The tragedy outside Gumbuya World has now reached Parliament, with Liberal MPs calling on the State Government to take immediate action.

With almost 7000 people signing Krystal Clark’s petition calling for a road overpass, it appears the concerns of local motorists appear to have been heard.

In Parliament this month, both Narracan MP Gary Blackwood and Eastern Victoria MP Edward O’Donohue raised the issue with Road Safety Minister Ben Carroll.

“After spending a family day at the theme park a young family—father, mother and daughter—were involved in a collision with a truck heading east on the freeway. Tragically, the father was killed, leaving a young girl without a father and a young mum without a husband,” Mr Blackwood said.

“This intersection has been a major concern since the activities at Gumbuya World have been expanded.”

Mr O’Donohue added: “Gumbuya World is a fantastic addition to my electorate and an attraction for people across Victoria, but this tragedy, this fatality that took place on 25 January, demonstrates that this part of the Princes Highway must be upgraded. It needs additional safety measures to stop this type of tragedy happening again.”

Mr Blackwood said he had been working with Regional Roads Victoria about the Gumbuya blackspot and the Tynong North Road intersection for some time.

“Regional Roads Victoria has been very responsive and has committed to investigating both sites for solutions both short and long term and getting back to me by the end of this month,” he added.

Ms Clark, who organised the petition, said she hoped it would encourage the State Government to take action.

“We just would really love to see a change made out here for everybody’s safety,” she said.

“We don’t want any more fatalities.”