Book Week with Pakenham basketball coach Mading Amech

Mading Amech with the books he is currently reading. 295275_02 Photo: STEWART CHAMBERS

What’s the first book you ever remember reading?

Son of Fate.

How many books have you read this year and how many more are on your list to complete by the end of 2022?

This year has been so busy, especially going overseas and not being well. However, I have managed to read three books and I am looking forward to reading two more books.

What are you currently reading?

I just finished Eleven Rings by Phil Jackson and I am going to reread Raising Boys in the Twenty-First Century by Steve Biddulph.

Which book have you read the most number of times and why?

I read Laughter and Cry multiple times. I think I loved it because of the style of writing and perhaps the writer was my childhood friend. The book has a lot of Dinka vocabulary.