Rockn Suzie inducted into rock ‘n’ roll hall of fame

Susan Dodson was recently inducted into the Victorian Rock'n'Roll Dance Association's hall of fame. Pictures: SUPPLIED

By Hugh Pearson

Susan Dodson – better known as Pakenham’s Rockn Suzie – has been honoured by the Victorian Rock‘n’Roll Dance Association for her work in the field.

Ms Dodson was inducted into the association’s hall of fame for her work teaching dance classes in the area and hosting charity fundraising dances and Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday events.

“I wasn’t expecting it at all, I was very surprised,” Ms Dodson said.

“I got a phone call a couple of days ago and I actually didn’t know what to say, I was quite surprised and I thought it was lovely of them to do that.”

Ms Dodson has been teaching rock and roll dancing for 20 years, but was originally a ballroom dancer.

Ms Dodson said she was drawn to the style of dancing simply because of her love of dancing.

“I actually did ballroom first and my ballroom teacher at the time started teaching rock and roll as well, so I was doing it before and I was teaching it as well,” Ms Dodson said.

“I think I just loved dancing in general and the thing I love about rock and roll compared to other forms of dancing – and I love all forms of dancing – is that it’s so friendly.

“It’s a lot of fun with everybody and you meet a lot of new friends and people.”

Ms Dodson said she didn’t have any plans yet on what she would do to celebrate the honour.

“I’ll probably continue as I was and keep teaching,” Ms Dodson said.

“I teach twice a week in Pakenham and Cranbourne but I’ll still just stay with my classes and continue to do the Good Friday Appeal which is being held in Pakenham.

“I don’t think there will be anything especially different for me but it was quite a surprise and nice that I was being inducted into the hall of fame.”