Local MPs among duck hunting inquiry

Local MPs Michael Galea and Melina Bath are among those on the inquiry committee which could influence the future of duck hunting in Victoria. Photo: SUPPLIED

By Corey Everitt

Two local MPs are among the nine members on the State Government’s committee looking at duck hunting.

Eastern Victoria MP Melina Bath and South Eastern Metropolitan MP Michael Galea have been appointed to the Select Committee on Victoria’s Recreational Native Bird Hunting Arrangements.

This committee was initiated by the State Government in February at the announcement of the guidelines to this year’s duck hunting season.

The State Government leveled new restrictions this year, with a shorter hunting period and less ducks to be bagged each day.

Victoria is within a minority of states and territories that still allows duck hunting.

Over recent years, bird hunting has seen people call for many harsher restrictions to be put in place or for its complete ban.

Victoria’s Outdoor Recreation Minister, Sonya Kilkenny, described duck hunting as “increasingly contested”.

Two South-Eastern MPs is fitting given that a lot of duck hunting areas are located in Gippsland.

The select committee is made up of three Labor members, three of the Liberal-National Coalition, one of the Greens, one of the Animal Justice Party and one of the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party.

Melina Bath has taken a strong opposition to the inquiry, going far enough to question its validity.

“An inquiry is supposed to be balanced and impartial,” the Nationals MP said.

“However, with the majority of the Committee members already flagging their views against duck hunting, this inquiry is hardly going to be objective.”

Ms Bath highlights two other inquiry members, Georgie Purcell of the Animal Justice Party and Katherine Copsey of the Australian Greens, who have expressed support for a total ban on duck hunting.

“You only need to look at the comments of the political parties on the committee to know how biased it will be,” Ms Bath said.

“Along with The Nationals, law abiding hunters fear the inquiry will be used by the Andrews Government to direct recommendations to end duck season indefinitely.”

Michael Galea has taken a more cautious approach to his involvement in the inquiry, deferring and encouraging his constituents to inform him and the inquiry’s opinion.

“Our committee is looking forward to receiving from all relevant stakeholders,” the Labor MP said.

“We know that this issue is a very important one to both native bird hunters and those that are opposed.

“So this is your opportunity to have your say through a formal process.”

Mr Galea seems a precise appointment by the Victoria Labor Party who are fairly divided in their own caucus on the question of duck hunting.

Many members of Labor in both houses have called for the ban on duck hunting, including local MPs Gary Maas and Jordan Crugnale.

The local South-Eastern Metropolitan MP is someone without previous statements on the issue.

The committee is set to be in session in May, with the deadline for public submissions being Monday 8 May.

The final report for the inquiry will be submitted on 31 August.