Local support for FightMND cause

Coles regional manager Emre Tepedelen, Cardinia Lakes store manager Brad Giesen (second from right) and Cardinia Lakes team members Kristy and Kylie after the cold shock. Picture: SUPPLIED

On Monday 10 June, four brave Coles Cardinia Lakes team members took the plunge and braved the Ice Bucket Challenge to raise additional funds as part of their Big Freeze 10 campaign in support of FightMND.

Thanks to the generosity of the local community, the store has raised $20,000 to date – adding to the more than $372,000 raised across the Pakenham region for FightMND since 2019.

The Coles Cardinia Lakes team has a strong personal connection to the cause as service manager Fiona Dupuy’s aunt was diagnosed with MND 10 years ago.

She said it was heartwarming to see her team and community get behind the cause at Monday’s event.