Sweet celebrations

Longest standing employee at Krispy Kreme Fountain Gate employee Leanne Varga celebrated the occasion with Krispy Kreme ANZ president Nicola Steele. Pictures: SUPPLIED

Lovers of Krispy Kreme’s original glazed doughnuts were in for a treat last week, as the first store in Victoria celebrated 18 years of operation within the state on Friday 21 June.

Visitors had a variety of events and activities to enjoy, including a DJ, face painting, doughnut decorating, vintage cars and a free Original Glazed doughnut with every purchase.

Krispy Kreme president Nicola Steele said celebrating 18 years of operation at the place where it all began was “truly something special“.

“We are incredibly grateful for the unwavering support of our Victorian community over the last 18 years,” she said.

“Our story in Victoria began in Westfield Fountain Gate in 2006, and since then we’ve produced around 200 million doughnuts from Fountain Gate alone.

“This stands as a testament to the enduring love Victorians have for our doughnuts.”

Scentre Group centre experience regional manager Michelle Clarkson said they were “very proud” to celebrate 18 years of Krispy Kreme at Westfield Fountain Gate.

“It’s a privilege to have worked with Krispy Kreme since the beginning of their journey in Victoria, spreading joy to customers with their delicious product offering,” she said.

“We look forward to many more years (and doughnuts!) together.”