Hot rods shine, mowers race

Inside a hot rod. 135132_01 Picture: Jovan Talevski


MORE than 400 show cars made it out to the recent Show N Shine in Lang Lang.
Hot road and custom cars flocked to the Lang Lang Showgrounds for the well-attended fourth consecutive event put on by the Rotary Club of Kooweerup – Lang Lang on Sunday 8 February.
Rotary member Alan Laughton said the debut entrance of lawn mower racers made for an exciting sight.
“For the first time we had racing lawn mowers from Lang Lang Racing Lawn Mower Club which were a big hit, as well as the swap and sell stalls which had a very good following on the day,” he said.
The event, which saw proceeds donated to the Lang Lang aged care facility, showcase a range of high standards cars that were put forward for a range of awards including top hot rods, people’s choice and president’s choice.
“Well represented were muscle cars of past glories and original purist restos with a big job for our judges Ric Kruizinga, Sussan Hilton, James Beglehole and Bradley Hough,” Mr Laughton said.
He said the successful event wouldn’t have been pulled off without the help of some generous local groups.
“A big thank you for all the help from the local support services, Bayles and Lang Lang CFA, Lang Lang Football/Cricket Club, Lang Lang Scouts and Cubs, Lang Lang Mens Shed and Lang Lang Community Bank who all helped with parking and catering throughout the day,” he said.
The Lang Lang aged care facility, which was initiated by the Rotary club seven years ago, is currently in the process of securing part of the surplus rail land in the centre of town