Country tops the charts

Gach Nyuon continued to impress in the ruck for Vic Country. 139545 Picture: AFL MEDIA



FACING Vic Metro for the second time in three rounds, Vic Country left no question about its status as the side to beat in this campaign – blitzing the city boys in a 35-point canter.
It was just about over by quarter time as the Country lads booted six unanswered goals to leave the Messrs Metro reeling. From there it was just a task of keeping their heads above water.
Dandenong Stingrays’ defensive trio Keiran Collins, Jacob Weitering and Daniel Capiron – the latter who is in his first Vic Country match this season – relished the hard ball and tore apart Vic Metro from the last line.
Collins has done his draft chances a world of good with his third stellar outing for Vic Country – snaring 21 possessions and reeling in 10 marks across the back end.
Also featuring from the local Stingray ranks was Mitch Cox – who made his Vic Country debut – alongside Kurt Mutimer, Gach Nyuon and Tommy Glen.
Capiron and Mutimer chipped in for a goal apiece in a strong showing for the defender and hard-nut midfielder respectively.
Rocketing to first on the Division-1 ladder, Vic Country’s biggest challenge is on the cards this Saturday when the Victorians head across the border to face second place South Australia at AAMI Stadium.

VIC COUNTRY 6.7 9.7 12.12 14.14 (98)
VIC METRO 0.1 3.4 6.7 9.9 (63)
Vic Country Goals: Schache 2, Simpkin 2, Ainsworth 2, Parish, Mathieson, Capiron, Brodie, Cole, Mutimer, Johnston, Weitering. Best: Collins, Parish, Berry, Tucker, Mathieson, Capiron, Schache.