Wood dives in with pavilion promise

By Tania Martin
EMERALD Football Club’s 20-year dream for a pavilion extension could come true if a Liberal Government is elected later this month.
La Trobe MP Jason Wood has pledged $500,000 towards the Chandler Reserve project.
Club president Bill Kuys said the $650,000 project would see the current club rooms almost doubled.
“We had our fingers cross we could get some sort of government support,” Mr Kuys said. “It will entice more players to come to the club…we are ecstatic.”
The announcement was made at Emerald’s home game on 17 July, giving many of the players’ inspiration before their matches.
“This means a future for the club,” Mr Kuys said.
“We have built up our numbers over the past few years and are the only club in the league that has a full complement of teams in every division – and we even have three grades in the netball.”
Mr Kuys said the pavilion extension would allow the club to supports its players and members with functions.
“Hopefully it will keep them at the club and when they retire others will want to join,” he said.