Good start is child’s play

HUNDREDS of parents attended the first Baby Wise Forum in the south-east on Friday.
It is well documented that play has a crucial role in the optimal growth, learning and development of children from infancy through adolescence.
The event was organised by Windermere in conjunction with Windermere’s Communities for Children Cranbourne.
The free event, held at the Balla Balla Centre in Cranbourne East, gave parents the opportunity to meet other parents and learn about the large range of services available to them in the community. Experts were on-hand to answer questions on settling, feeding, attachment, sleep settling, establishing routines, community links and many more. Free show bags and give-aways were also given out on the day.
Expert guest speaker sessions included provisional psychologist Anita Hermans, physiotherapist Tiffany Chan, speech pathologist Elizabeth Willemsen, and occupational therapist Michelle Huver.
Parents also had the chance to chat and browse through information stalls including: Dad’s Matter, Safe Start, Beyond Blue, PANDA, Playgroup, Healthy Mothers-Healthy Babies, library, Mother Goose, toy library, Breastfeeding Association, Rhyme Time Library, Go for Life, immunisation information, Body Shop, Playgroup VIC and CISS.