Festive obsession switches on

This Ulmer Road Christmas Lights display truly has to be seen to be believed.


PETER and Marylin Siegman’s Christmas obsession has taken hold once again.
The Emerald retirees have added even more to their already astonishing lights display and all they want for Christmas is for other local residents to share in the joy they have for the festive season.
Peter, now in his 70s, estimates that he has put in “at least 60 hours” of work into building and setting up this year’s display in his Ulmer Road front yard.
But he has been constantly battling the elements – particularly the rain. He aimed to have the lights switched on for the start of December but fell a few days behind schedule.
“You have to be careful of the rain – to make sure you get the controllers off the ground so the water can’t get in,” Peter said.
“It’s the biggest issue we’ve faced.”
But the display is back bigger than ever.
The Siegmans aren’t asking for much – just for people to stop by and have a look, and maybe be inspired to create their own lights displays next year.
Peter has added a few more spectacular features for his 2013 display – one of Santa falling down the chimney, some mind-blowing stars, and a six-metre long waterfall display.
Peter has entered the modern, technological age with his lights too – gradually replacing the bulbs with brighter, more energy efficient LED lights which now make up 70 per cent of the display.
Peter and Marylin don’t know how many lights they have in their display, exactly, but the figure would well and truly be in the thousands… too many to count.
Peter and Marylin’s Christmas lights are on display each night from now until the new year.
Ulmer Road is just off Paternoster Road in Emerald.