Uphill battle

I NOTE that each time there is an article about Sanjay Nathan, the ALP candidate for Bass, your paper always describes him as a car salesman from Taylors Lakes.
Conversely, the Liberal candidate, Brian Paynter, is usually described is glowing terms.
I think the readers of the Pakenham Gazette need to know that Sanjay resigned from his job when he accepted the nomination for Bass, that he is virtually funding his campaign out of his own pocket and is spending hours on the campaign trail.
Sanjay is well aware that he is up against a candidate that is well resourced, has the benefit of being in a seat currently held by the Liberal Party and is well supported by the local press.
However, Sanjay during the campaign has demonstrated a high degree of determination and a capacity to work hard. These are characteristics that the voters in Bass should be made aware of.
I support Sanjay because I want representatives that will work hard for their electorate and the state.
Susan Anderson,