Every bite a delight

Mikayla keeps the vegies green 131600 Pictures: STEWART CHAMBERS


YUMMY fruit and vegetables make for happy tummies.
That’s the message being taught to the young minds of Little Beacons Early Learning Centre in Pakenham following the installation of a vegetable garden.
The kids, who have been learning about healthy eating and the benefits of home-grown produce, take great joy in watering and eating the ever-growing plants. Cardinia Shire Council’s healthy children facilitator Julia Hobbs said the garden was a fun way to teach the kids about healthy food choices.
“We know that children develop habits from a young age, so being involved and learning about growing, picking and eating fresh vegetables is providing these children with a great start to leading a healthy life as an adult,” she said.
The health eating initiative has been coupled together with education around mental health, well-being and physical activity as part of council’s Healthy Together Achievement Program.