Grass is always greener

Pasture displays will be a highlight of Farm World.

An impressive display of hundreds of pasture and fodder varieties have been a feature of Farm World at Lardner Park over the past seven years and this year will be even more striking with the combined pasture site expanding into food grains and vegetables.
The expanded pasture, grain and vegetable display area also focuses on the use of simple and successful fertilizer regimes.
Farm World has grown to be Australia’s key pasture and fodder focused field days.
The Basix Trace Elements team has expanded the display to include a greater option of varieties highlighting the diversity of agriculture across southern Australia.
The pasture display has identified and proven the universally successful varieties of pastures, including grasses, legumes, herbs and brassicas.
The previous showing of 46 of the most successful varieties, some from each category, has been added to by 60 new varieties to grow alongside the old ones.
Sown at the same time, with the same fertiliser, and irrigated at the same time, comparisons will be clear for all to see.
Included in the display are annuals, bi-annuals and perennials of ryegrasses, and perennials of cocksfoot, phalaris, brome, fescue and timothy grasses.
Legumes, including clovers (sub, white, arrow, persian, crimson, rose, red, berseem, balansa, and strawberry), medics (burr, hybrid, strand, barrel, and sphere), lucerne, and non-bloating legumes (sulla, serradella, and biserulla) will also be displayed, as well as chicory, plantain, brassicas and sugar beet.
The array of stockfeed cereal grains such as oats, barley, triticale, wheat, peas, and canola, has been expanded by adding grains such as rye, rice, safflower, chia, linseed, quinoa, amaranth, lentils, chickpeas and buckwheat.
Adzuki, black turtle, soya and mung beans, peanut and sesame round off the grains display.
The new vegetable display will reflect the potential of different types in the region.
Recognising the significance of the potato and pea growers in the region, these two vegetables will be the main focus.
The display will include 13 currently relevant potato varieties and 12 pea varieties (snap, shelling, and snow), all of which are sown on a new base dressing granular fertiliser blend, and a new Basix Trace Element pack formulated for fast root zone dispersal.
There will also be a wide range of brassicas from broccoli to Asian greens and many types of tomatoes, beets, cucurbits and lettuce varieties, including several heirlooms for general interest.
More information about Farm World 2015 is available at