Six schools in harmony

Atti from Minaret College aiming for bullseye. 136419_01


ST BRIGID’S Catholic School in Officer launched its first Windermere building harmony day for the 2015 Grade 6 students on Friday 20 March.
The event takes place four times a year and brings school children from St Brigid’s Catholic School, Berwick Grammar, Maranatha Christian School, Minaret College and Officer Primary School.
For the first time this year, Officer Specialist School was roped in for a day of learning and the chance to make friends with students from other schools.
Students from the six participating schools enjoyed a day of sport and recreation activities as well as a halal barbecue for lunch.
Windermere project officer Rachel Clarke said the schools-based early prevention project aimed to build, promote and support harmonious living in a diverse and emerging community, with the demographics in the Cardinia Shire expected to change over the next 10 years.
“This year, we decided to launch the program with a sports activity, as we recognised the important role and positive influence sport has in fostering a sense of belonging, acceptance and understanding of other cultures,” Ms Clarke said.
The program has been running since 2009 and has offered theatre activities, literacy and drumming cultural days as well as guest speakers.
St Brigid’s Catholic School principal Ken Gale, said the program really broke down the barriers.
The students were grouped with a selection of students from other schools and rotated through different activities and challenges that promote working together.