Parade of past cars

Last year's cavalcade was a success. Picture: DONNA OATES


WHEN it comes to the cars in the Yakkerboo cavalcade, organiser Graham Treloars has one simple rule.
“The older the better,” he said of the many cars and bikes that will take part in the event.
Regular visitors to the festival will be familiar with the annual cavalcade, a procession of antique vehicles through Pakenham.
This year will feature rare historic cars including Fords, Chryslers and Cadillacs.
Graham said the event enjoys strong support from the community each year.
“I think people are really interested in seeing the old cars,” he said.
“Every year we get a real variety of cars as well as a number of bikes. It’s a great opportunity for the people who own these vehicles to display them.”
Both established clubs as well as individuals will participate in the cavalcade, which starts at 10.45am on Saturday morning.
The cavalcade was a highlight of last year’s festival, with many liing the streets for a glimpse of the historic vehicles.
The cars and bikes will take a similar route to the parade (see page six), however will begin on John Street instead of Henry Street.
This year’s event is being sponsored by Avan Campers, Caravans and Motorhomes of Pakenham.
Steve Doughty of Avan said the company was excited about its involvement in this year’s cavalcade.
“We’re pleased to be supporting this year’s event and hope to be involved again in the future,” he said.
“It’s always a great weekend – I’ll be attending with my family.“
The Yakkerboo cavalcade is still accepting entries from owners of vintage cars.
To register, contact Graham on 0412 785 930.