Nightlife to jazz up town

Industrial areas frequented by hoon drivers in Pakenham has been proposed as an area for nightlife activity.


THERE is a surprise party planned for Pakenham – we just don’t know where or when it is expected to kick off.
Cardinia Shire Council’s recently approved Pakenham Structure Plan has laid out plans to amp up nightlife in Pakenham’s industrial areas.
The Pakenham Gazette asked council seeking to “activate the area” at night if it was planning to introduce nightclubs, bars, restaurants or other entertainment venues to the area, but like any good surprise party, the details are being kept under wraps.
Hushed details also extend to the location of suggested nightlife venues, with Pakenham being home to three separate industrial areas.
Bald Hill Road, however, was cited in the future planning document as an area of interest.
Plans to bolster activity in Pakenham’s industrial areas could present certain dangers to the community, according to police who are currently lobbying for hoon laws to help break up spectators in the direct line of danger during car rallies.
Members of Cardinia Highway Patrol identified Pakenham’s industrial areas as the most frequented area for hoon drivers to put on reckless driving exhibitions.
In a statement released by council last week, council said it had no immediate plans to introduce local laws that would help police move spectators from organised gatherings such as hoon rallies.
Cardinia police Inspector Shane Smith however said he was not aware of any plans to increase night activity in the town’s manufacturing sites.
The Pakenham Structure Plan also outlines plans to increase employment and education opportunities in the town’s industrial areas, revealed council’s Team Leader for Strategic Planning Steven Hines.
“Council will consider a range of uses for the area including commercial offices, education and creative industries, start-up industries, service industries and other commercial uses,” he said.
Around 2000 people are currently employed in Pakenham’s industrial areas, according to council, which plans to take advantage of the central area to bolster further employment and new industries.