A party on wheels


Senator Ricky Muir will be speaker at Pakenham Auto Club’s (PAC) mid-year presentation dinner to be held at Pine Grove Hotel Upper Beaconsfield on Monday 6 July.
Senator Muir represents the Australian Motoring Enthusiasts Party. As we are all motoring enthusiasts in one way or another and Senator Muir is the only member of Federal Parliament specifically elected to represent our views, this is an open invitation to all motoring enthusiasts.
Presentations of trophies for the seven PAC events run so far this year will also be on the agenda so come along and collect your trophy or support others who have done well. There will be great meals at pub prices – order on arrival – and family and friends are invited. For further information or to make a booking email meetings@pakenhamautoclub.org.au . Some indication of numbers likely to attend would be appreciated.
The next event at the McGregor Road Complex will be a PAC Khanacross on Sunday 12 July.
For more information visit www.pakenhamautoclub.org.au or email secretary@pakenhamautoclub.org.au . You can also ring the PAC on 0413 370 159.