What’s in a name, trade?

This sign was found in Kooweerup. 143175_01

A SIGN in the shop window of a Koowerup shoe store brought a smile to the person who snapped it on their phone.
Sue Shrubsole is the apt name of the podiatrist who visits the shop – presumably on foot. It made us think of some other people in history who have been named appropriately for their eventual jobs.
Cardinal Sin – God bless him – was once the Archbishop of Manila.
Larry Speakes was Ronald Reagan’s spokesman – apparently it was the only way the “Gipper” could remember what he did.
Comedian Jerry Seinfeld is a believer in the theory that a name can control destiny.
“I think when you name a baby Jeeves, you’ve pretty much mapped out his future,” Seinfeld said.
“Not much chance he’s gonna be a hitman.”