Christmas hamper on overdrive

Cardinia Combined Churches Caring (4Cs) chaplain Kristen Hampson and general manager Cheryl Daly have combined with the Pakenham Bendigo Bank branch – including manager Norm Davidson and customer service officer Shari Foster – to help those in need throughout the local community. 148213 Picture: RUSSELL BENNETT


FOR the fourth successive year, customers and staff from Pakenham’s Bendigo Bank branch have come together to help those less fortunate – collecting toys and gifts for the 4Cs (Cardinia Combined Churches Caring) annual Christmas hamper drive.
In fact, it hasn’t just been those associated with the bank who’ve stopped by the branch to contribute – with people walking in off the street with gifts for those doing it tough this festive season.
Cheryl Daly, the 4Cs general manager, said: “The financial stress at this time of the year is hard, but there’s also domestic violence and family breakdowns (affecting local residents).
“One of the great things with this partnership is that the Bendigo Bank is so focussed on the local community.
“It’s something that we love as the 4Cs – the community coming together at a time of need.”
Pakenham Bendigo Bank branch manager Norm Davidson said the generosity of local residents at this time of year never ceased to amaze him.
“We’ve had non-customers and even young children coming in with toys as well,” he said.
The bank branch and the 4Cs are still calling for more donations. Every little bit really does help.
“I live and work in the community – Pakenham is my home – and I’m passionate and proud to be associated with the 4Cs,” Mr Davidson said.
“Unfortunately, there’s a real need for this, and it’s increasing each year.
“We’re more than happy to do our little bit and we’d just encourage anyone who’d like to make a donation to do so before next Friday.”
Ms Daly said this year the 4Cs was doing between 500 to 600 hampers, with more families receiving toys on top of that.
“For families who’re still in need we’re collecting extra food this week and we’re working with other service providers in the area as well.”
Overall, more than 1000 local children will receive toys – a figure Mr Davidson described as “staggering”.