Sizzle celebration

Christening the barbecue on Australia Day are, from left, Bob Hamilton, Vittoria, Tony and Carmelina Arrigo, John Beavis and Russell Pendlebury.

The Bunyip Barbecue Rotunda and Shelter Shed, constructed by the Bunyip Community Market, was officially opened to the public on Australia Day with a free sausage sizzle.
It is located near the fire brigade running track at the Bunyip Recreation Reserve.
The twin plate barbecue is coin operated needing $1 per large hotplate for about 25 minutes of cooking.
However for larger gatherings, both barbecues can be operated simultaneously. There is also a double power point to plug in an urn or any other appliance.
Surrounding the rotunda is a large expanse of short grass which will allow children to play in safety. Toilet facilities are located nearby.
There are still some additions to be made such as a commercial table and rubbish bins.