Doing it for Patsy

From left: Jan Ahern, Maureen Lindau, Pam Chalmers, Marcia Rook, Bronwyn Kennett.

By Linda Nash, Inner Wheel Club of Pakenham

The Inner Wheel Club of Pakenham hosted an Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea for Cancer Council Victoria on Thursday 27 May at the Deep Creek Golf Club.

More than 80 Inner Wheel members and guests were in attendance.

Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea is a community event that raises vital funds to make a big difference for those impacted by cancer.

The Cancer Council Victoria informs us that “one in two Australians are diagnosed with cancer before the age of 85”.

The Council wants to change that and needs our help.

Hosting a “Tea” is a way of raising essential funds for people impacted by cancer and helps to bring us all closer to a cancer-free future.

One of our much valued Inner Wheel Club Of Pakenham members, Patsy Leed, died from cancer last year. This year’s Biggest Morning Tea event was held in memory of Patsy.

Margaret Macdonald, a past president of the Inner Wheel Club of Pakenham, spoke of Patsy and her love of Inner Wheel, and of her enthusiasm for Inner Wheel’s activities.

A video prepared by another member, Deb James, was shown featuring Patsy enjoying many Inner Wheel events.

In attendance at the tea were Patsy’s husband Geoff, some of Patsy’s family, some of her former nursing colleagues and some of her “Land Care” friends.

It was remarked by many in attendance that Patsy would have been thrilled with the support shown by so many for this tea.

The Biggest Morning Tea was organised by the immediate past president of the Pakenham club, Pam Chalmers, and her hard-working group of members: Marcia Rook, Jan Ahern, Maureen Lindau, Bronwyn Kennett, Jenny Watson and Barb White.

Many other members helped with donations for the trading table, raffle prizes, lucky tea cup prize, potted cyclamens for the tables, and made slices and other

food items.

As well as a fun-filled event, a “healthy” profit was made to be forwarded to the Cancer Council.

One intention of the day was to have two palliative care nurses speak about their role. However, with looming Covid-19 Lockdown commencing the next day, the nurses understandably felt it unwise to attend as they may have been placing their immuno-suppressed patients at risk.

All assembled were thankful to Carole Buchanan for standing in at short notice.

Carole is a member of the Inner Wheel Club of Berwick and a past international Inner Wheel president.

She spoke on the work she had seen first hand done by Inner Wheel members in India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.

The Inner Wheel Club of Pakenham is part of a worldwide organisation of women enjoying friendship and also taking part in community projects which encompass local, national and international efforts.

As always, new members are welcome and enquiries can be made by contacting the secretary of the Inner Club of Pakenham at or by speaking to any club member at a local event.