Toy Story, but with potholes

Danielle Guttridge's creativity showed the pothole issue in a new, and very funny, light. Pics: SUPPLIED, DANIELLE GUTTRIDGE

By Gabriella Payne

Getting fed up with the amount of potholes on the roads in Longwarry, one local mother decided to get creative recently to draw attention to the issue – but in a very funny way.

With the help of her 6 year-old son Archie’s toys, local woman Danielle Guttridge waited for a quiet moment along Newell Road to recreate an iconic scene from the film Toy Story, as well as some other funny pothole art.

Ms Guttridge said that she hoped her creative way of raising the issue would “give people a giggle” but also start some conversations about the lack of road maintenance in the area.

“[I took these photos] in the Longwarry area on my route to Archie’s school and home again, but I hear and see the Shire and state at large are all dealing with this issue,” Ms Guttridge said in regards to the potholes.

“I also sent those photos to the SnapSendSolve App to help keep the relevant authorities accountable.

“I understand that with the weather conditions recently they’re inundated, but even if they try and warn or place signage to help motorists.

“Hopefully [these photos] will give people a giggle and more people will get creative and be inspired – just do it safely,” she said.

We certainly had a chuckle at these photos – great work Danielle and Archie!