New toilets open at PB Ronald Reserve

Pakenham MP Emma Vulin officially opened the new facilities. Picture: SUPPLIED

New public toilets at PB Ronald Reserve opened earlier this week, thanks to a $400,000 contribution from the State Government’s Growing Suburbs Fund.

Pakenham MP Emma Vulin joined community members and representatives to officially open the new facilities on Wednesday 31 January, also acknowledging Cardinia Council’s $50,000 contribution towards the project.

Works have created two unisex restrooms with motion sensor automatic doors, each with a baby-change station, LED lights, three-phase power and an external water tap.

Since 2015, the State Government has provided Cardinia Shire Council with more than $35 million in funding towards 22 highly valued projects in its local area via its Growing Suburbs Fund.

Ms Vulin said PB Ronald Reserve plays an important role in the health and wellbeing of the Pakenham community.

“I’m thrilled to see we now have toilet facilities that will make people of all ages and abilities feel more welcome at the reserve,” she said.

“Our community deserve high-quality, purpose-built facilities to support our growth into the future – and I’m proud that the Victorian Government is investing in local recreation spaces like this one.”

Supporting projects like PB Ronald Reserve is about helping to create more liveable neighbourhoods and more connected and equitable communities.”