Two out of three is bad

Garfield’s Graeme Burton played in Lexi Taylor’s winning rink against Traralgon in Midweek Pennant. 266412 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS


There was no sign of a win among the rain for Garfield’s pennant sides this week.

On Tuesday 5 December, the Midweek Division 3 side visited Traralgon, in what would be a disappointing day where they won two of the three games, but lost the match overall by 55 shots to 60.

The team of Margaret Hyam, Graeme Burton, Bob Lamport and skip Lexi Taylor played a game of fits-and-spurts.

They jumped out to a 9-3 lead, only to be clawed back to 9-8, then they spurted away again to 15-8.

They were caught and even passed with one end to go at 17-19.

But with one last heave, they scored three shots on the last end and won the game by the slimmest of margins, 20 shots to 19.

Helene Newton skipped the team of Steve Hyam, Malcolm Newham and Luke Monckton.

They were on a similar but slower cycle than their teammates.

They led from the start in a single slow climb to be in front by 13-5 at the halfway point of the game.

Then they only scored twice in the next nine ends, and found themselves down by one shot after 20 ends.

Again, the last end yielded two shots to bring about the desired result of a 17-shots to 16 win.

Keith Sainsbery, Cheryl Breteler and Gerry Wakefield, along with their skip, Gwen Fabris, had a topsy-turvy game where they were down by seven shots before they scored, then came back to be 9-all, 12-all and 18-all, before losing seven more unanswered shots to lose by 18 shots to 25.

This has again dropped the side to eighth on the ladder in what looks like a roller-coaster process depending on win or loss.

On Saturday 9 December, both sides were washed out by inclement weather yet again.

No changes occurred in the ladder places as a result.

-Damian Brick-