Tennis club has a new home

Young members having a ball. From left; Leo and Kartik give PTC President Greg Menzel a tennis ball shower at the opening of the new clubrooms. 400978 Pictures: GARY SISSONS

By David Nagel

The Pakenham Tennis Club (PTC) has taken a giant stride towards reclaiming its identity.

Formed in the early 1900s, the PTC has played a key role in the sporting and social fabric of the town; once a thriving hub that became the home of the biggest tennis events in the region.

In 2021, the PTC moved from its 61-year-old home courts on Anderson Street to the more modern facility at the Pakenham Regional Tennis Centre (PRTC) on Webster Way.

The PTC formed a working relationship with Aligned Leisure; who run operations at the PRTC, but until now has not had its own clubrooms to call home.

That recently changed, with the work of many coming to fruition when the PTC was handed the keys to its new clubrooms situated on the site of the PRTC.

The PTC held a special event of Saturday, conducting a ceremony to officially open the new rooms, in front of current and former members of the club.

PTC President Greg Menzel said the opening of the new rooms had been a long time coming.

“It was something that was supposed to be built before we came over, but we had the challenges of Covid, and signs of the times like builders going out of business and things like that,” Menzel explained.

“We got wrapped up in all that; but the builder on site was brilliant; met the timeframes and we’re happy with the end result.

“We managed to get there, but three years later than original intended.

“We’ve had an open and working relationship with Aligned Leisure since moving to the courts, but it’s been challenging because you do lose your identity.

“And the club didn’t have total control over its own operations, which has also been a challenge.

“This is about regaining our identity again and showing that the club is still here and present, and just building the culture around the clubhouse.

“And then from there it’s about growing the club and growing tennis within the community, and finding ways to get people to use the tennis centre for its purpose.”