Youth step up

Cardinia Shire Youth Council members brainstorm ideas with councillor Michael Schilling.

By Bonny Burrows

Cardinia Shire’s youngest leaders have big plans for the future.
Uniting for the first time on 24 January, Cardinia Shire’s Youth Council’s nine young members brainstormed their ideas for change within the local community.
The environment, education and improving crime and public safety were just some of the areas the young people showed an interest in during the planning day, which aimed to outline the council’s curriculum for the next year.
The excited group expressed a desire to attend Parliament and meet with politicians from all parties to share their views, and wanted to get out and about in their communities to hear from residents first-hand.
Member Mehdi Ahmadi said he wanted to increase awareness around family violence, and the need for affordable housing.
Amy Gregorovich said she wanted to implement ideas that would have a positive impact on the natural environment.
Joe Barratt said he wanted to improve traffic congestion, and Prachi Beniwal would like to see an inclusive community for all, regardless of race.
The brainchild behind the youth council, Cardinia Shire councillor Michael Schilling, said he was inspired by the passion and drive its members had shown.
“They all had amazing ideas and a great vision for our local community. I can’t wait to see what this group of young people achieve,” Cr Schilling said.
The youth council will meet on the first Wednesday of the month from 5pm to 7pm at Cardinia Shire Council’s offices.
The first formal meeting is scheduled for 7 February.