Bushfire fundraiser a success

Member for Gembrook Brad Battin Lakeside Residents Group president Wendy Andrews. Mr Battin donated $100 to Casey Cardinia Foundation to help Bunyip bushfire victims.

By Jessica Anstice

Lakeside Residents Group and Casey Cardinia Foundation (CCF) carried out a joint fundraising effort for Bunyip State Park bushfire victims and it was a huge success.

A total of $2542 was raised through barbecues and direct donations.

“The Lakeside Residents Group wanted to help right from the start and when we saw that the CCF had set up a bush fire relief fund. We knew that the funds raised would be used to help those directly affected by the fires,” Lakeside Residents Group president Wendy Andrews said.

“The simple idea of a barbecue was one that could be arranged quickly and could give the community the opportunity to donate directly.

“We were excited to have the cooperation of the Pakenham Fire Brigade who gave up most of their day to assist us and also allow children to sit in the fire truck.”

Ms Andrews said the group was “overwhelmed” by the generosity of the public who “just wanted to donate and not worry about a sausage”.

Cardinia Shire Council Mayor Graeme Moore joined Lakeside Residents Group for a few hours and spruiked the cause to anyone within earshot.

Member for Gembrook Brad Battin dropped by to donate $100.